My Great Horned Owl family visit.

March 28, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

untitled-854March 28, 2020-Edit-Edituntitled-854March 28, 2020-Edit-Edit untitled-301March 28, 2020-Edituntitled-301March 28, 2020-Edit untitled-33March 28, 2020-Edit-Edituntitled-33March 28, 2020-Edit-Edit untitled-626March 28, 2020-Edituntitled-626March 28, 2020-Edit This morning I needed to get out of the house. I decided to go to a spot where I have been watching a mother Great Horned Owl sitting on her eggs for two months. It has been fascinating to observe the owlets grow and fun to watch their behavior. This morning as I approached in my car the momma and papa owls flew off. The papa owl flew to a pine tree about 40 meters away. He offered me a great photo opportunity. I set up a chair blind near the nest. The owlets hunkered down in the nest at first but within about 20 minutes they started to move around in the nest. It was challenging to take good photos due to the bright sky light behind them but still I think the photos turned out fairly decent.


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